Harry Kim


A home page to expand on my data analysis projects. All source code can be found on my GitHub profile!

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Harry’s Journey in Python

Current Ongoing Learnings & Projects

1. Linear Regression & Logistic Regression for People Analytics (Offline)

2. People Turnover Forecast (folked from Burunokatekawa)

Past Learnings & Projects

1. Automated Stock Analysis and Investment by Python

2. Importing Raw Data and Pre-Data Validation

3. Univariate Analysis (Numerical Variable) by Pandas

4. Unvariate Analysis (Numerical Variable) by Pandas, Sklearn

5. Univariate Analysis (Categorical Variable) by Pandas

6. Data Clearning (Missing Values) by Pandas

7. Data Clearning (Outliners) by Pandas, Scipy

8. Bi-variate Analysis (Numerical and Numerical) by Pandas

9. Bi-variate Analysis (Categorical and Categorical) by Pandas, Matplotlib

10. Bi-variate Analysis (Numerical and Categorical) by Pandas, Matplotlib

11. Hypothesis Testing by Scipy

12. Variable Creation by Pandas, Numpy

13. Variable Transformation by Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numpy